Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Liverpool, England

Wasn't the Pre-Trek Fireside Amazing!!!!  Thanks to everyone who made that night an incredible experience!  I hope everyone has a greater understanding of what that might have been like to be in Liverpool.
Here is another courageous story of an amazing pioneer:

When the Saints stepped on the ship in Liverpool England they showed great commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Some of them like Susannah Stone left behind everything that they had know and came alone.  They had the “fire of Israel God burning in their Hearts”  and desired to come to Zion.

In 1856, Susannah prepared to emigrate. She wrote, “My parents, relatives and
friends did all in their power to keep me from coming to America, but I had the
spirit of gathering, and the Lord opened up my way, and I came to Utah in 1856
with the handcart company…We waded through the cold streams many times, but we
murmured not, for our faith in God and our testimony of His work were supreme.”

When we made our covenants at Baptism we made that same commitment to our Heavenly Father and to the Lord.  Our Trials may be different but our faith must be as strong.

1 comment:

Janessa said...

I think a great addition would be a music tab. You can include the songs from the fireside and arrangements of hymns done by MoTab. It would be wonderful :)